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Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 34
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 30-08-2024, 08:00
30-08-2024, 08:00

Освітня програма на 2024/2025 навчальний рік

Категорія: Навчальна діяльність / Навчальні плани

для завантаження та перегляду:

Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 107
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 26-08-2024, 14:04
26-08-2024, 14:04


Категорія: Наш ліцей / Новини

До уваги учнів та батьків 10-Г класу!
Завтра, 27.08.2024 р. о 09:30
відбудеться класна година в 28 кабінеті.
О 10:00 отримуємо підручники.
В середу, 28.08.2024 р. о 17:00 в 28 кабінеті
батьківські збори.
З повагою - класний керівник
Чередниченко О.М.
Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 26
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 31-07-2024, 14:56
31-07-2024, 14:56

Звіт за липень 2024

Категорія: Інформаційна відкритість / Фінансова звітність

Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 100
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 28-06-2024, 16:00
28-06-2024, 16:00

Звіт за червень 2024

Категорія: Інформаційна відкритість / Фінансова звітність

Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 648
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 17-06-2024, 15:45
17-06-2024, 15:45

Наказ Про зарахування учнів на профільне навчання до 10-их класів 2024

Категорія: Інформаційна відкритість / Накази


Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 159
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 8-06-2024, 22:18
8-06-2024, 22:18

Servus and greetings from Upper Austria 2024

Категорія: Наш ліцей / Новини

Servus and greetings from Upper Austria (cows not kangaroos!),

located in the heart of Europe: a small, but dynamic and very safe country with rich culture, delicious foods and a funny dialect – and a great study destination.

While many high school students are currently busy with final exams – and we wish them all the best! – we would like to share some insights from University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
We would appreciate it if you could share this newsletter also with your students. Danke!128522;


Why (Upper) Austria?

There areseveral reasonswhy Upper Austria is a great study destination. Besides our practice orientated and international study offer, the region has much to offer. We are Austria’s economic backbone with a variety of high-tech multinational companies to small-and medium sized enterprises and start-ups, many of them leaders in their field, providing great job opportunities and hands-on project work for students. Our region is perfectly safe, the quality of life is very high and our mountains, crystal clear lakes and vibrant towns invite you to explore even more.

Campus Student Deck

About the Campus

Wels Campushosts approx. 2000 students in the areas ofSustainable Engineering and Materials//Agriculture, Environment and Food//Sustainable Innovation, Design and Economy//Clean Energy & Sustainable Building. With 25% of our students being international, from65+ different countriesworldwide, it’s a truly multicultural environment. Over the past years, our downtown campus has been completely remodeled and now boasts comfy study lounges, more than 100 state-of-the-art-laboratories and a green courtyard with chill out zones and party areas. Two dorms are available just a short walk from campus. The city center of Wels provides a variety of restaurants, cafés and shops. While we finalize our virtual campus tour, have a look at our Campusvideofor some impressions.


2023 06 15 FHOOE WELS S08 4852

Hands-on studies

Hands-on studies are our specialty. Through close cooperation with industry, we ensure that our students can work on real-life projects already from their second year of studies. Experts from companies complement the expertise of our faculty and provide insights into real cases. A mandatory internship in the final semester of our Bachelor studies allows our students to use their academic know-how and previous experience to strengthen their practical skills and – in many cases – to land their first job!128521;

Workshop Highschool

Workshop Highschool

Developing and marketing final products from first ideas? 3D print? Lego Mindstorm Robots? Insects for foods of the future? Bioplastics for sustainable packaging? Brewing Italian Espresso? Where will our electricity come from in the future?Those are just some highlights of ourdiverse workshop offer for high schools. We are always happy to host groups of high school students on campus for hands-on workshops in different areas (and for a day of campus life!), but workshops can also be held online if an on-site visit is not possible.
We will also be happy to offer online info sessions for interested schools!Please contact us atinternational@fh-wels.atfor specific requests.

welcome internationals

Study Programme

More than 30 Bachelor’s degree programsin the areas ofInformatics, Communications and Media//Business and Management//Engineering//Medical Engineering and Applied Social Sciencesare offered at FH Upper Austria. While most programs are taught in German, we also offer undergraduate programs taught in English:

Artificial Intelligence Solutions(100% taught in English)

Global Sales & Marketing(100% taught in English)

Innovation, Product & Engineering Management(100% taught in English)

Electrical Engineering(100% taught in English)

Green Science(international friendly, with an entrance period in English)

Smart Engineering(international friendly, with an entrance period in English)



Some practical matters

Some practical matters to consider for international students who think about studying in Upper Austria, their parents and advisors.Visa or residence permitsare only required for nationals of non-EU countries, and many of those are actually entitled to a visa-free entry to Austria.Tuition feesare very affordable compared to other international institutions, with € 363.36 per semester for EU students and € 726.72 per semester for non-EU students. Merit-based scholarships are available upon completion of the first semester.Buddies, current studies, help new international students with their questions before arrival andWelcome Weeksare organized before the start of the academic year to explain everything in detail. Each study program has an own administration office servicing (future) students, the study program director helps advise the students. Support services are available at each campus of FH Upper Austria.


"I chose FH Upper Austria, Wels Campus...

...”because there is no need for additional training upon graduation as the university prepares its students for real-world challenges right from the start. The well-equipped labs and state-of-the-art facilities help to bridge the gap between theory and application seamlessly. In essence, the university goes beyond traditional education, it crafts professionals who are ready to excel from day one. I am proud to be a graduate of an institution that prioritizes excellence at every step.” – Neha from India, graduate of "Electrical Engineering”

Neha photo 2022 image 6483441


Aim Higher 3

FH Oberösterreich
Fakultät für Technik und Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600Wels, Austria

Online ansehen



Related links

Study offer
Application & Enrolment
Advice & Information

Privacy policy

Інформація до новини
4-06-2024, 19:03

День вшанування пам'яті дітей 2024

Категорія: Виховна робота / Національно-патріотичне виховання

Сьогодні, 4 червня, ми вшановуємо пам'ть дітей, які загинули внаслідок збройної агресії російської федерації проти України.
Як пам'ять про душі невинних дітей, у руках вихованців Ізмаїльського ліцею #1 замайоріли білі голуби, які відлітають у небо...
Не забудемо жодну жертву, не пробачимо ворогові, збережемо світлу пам'ять про кожну дитину.

День вшанування пам'яті дітей 2024 

Детальніше >>>
Інформація до новини
  • Переглядів: 60
  • Автор: security
  • Дата: 31-05-2024, 15:00
31-05-2024, 15:00

Звіт за травень 2024

Категорія: Інформаційна відкритість / Фінансова звітність

Архів новин

Лютий 2025 (1)
Січень 2025 (3)
Грудень 2024 (12)
Листопад 2024 (12)
Жовтень 2024 (7)
Вересень 2024 (12)